
rider on road

rock wall

three riders

union cavalry

union at fence

The City of Independence has put together a brochure for a self-guided tour of the Civil War sites of Indepencence.

"The Civil War Walking/Driving Trail guides adventurers into the footsteps of those who fought to defend their state and the ideologies by which they lived.  Literally a battle of brother against brother, many of Missouri’s citizens stood eye to eye against their family and neighbors when positioned on the battlefield lines.  The sites listed, located within the boundaries of modern-day Jackson County as well as the City of Independence, Missouri will take you through two of those battles.  Begin on the Independence Square and walk step by step through the Battle of Independence in 1862.  Start your tour in eastern Jackson County and you begin with the Battle of the Little Blue in 1864."

Click here to view and download the brochure in PDF format.